Welcome to IFCAPOL LiteBIRD’s documentation!

IFCAPOL LiteBIRD is a source code for the detection/extraction of polarized compact sources in CMB experiments, and in particular the LiteBIRD satellite. These packages are part of the ongoing work inside the LiteBIRD Foregrounds JSG.


The project is open for collaboration within the LiteBIRD community. Please feel free to add contributions by using the appropriate Git tools. You can use the next section in this README file to declare your authorship and/or any acknowledgement sentences you would like to have quoted when using the software included in this package.


If you are having issues, please let me know. Write to: herranz@ifca.unican.es


The project is licensed under the MIT License. MIT License is a short and simple permissive license with conditions only requiring preservation of copyright and license notices. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code. We are open to the possibility of changing to a more restrictive licensing if the policy of the LiteBIRD collaboration so requires.

Indices and tables